Fiche cheval hell raider

R7C4plathandicap 25376geraldton australie1200M17324bunbury apartment motel handicap (1200 metres)12 partantsdépart à 07:16
11bold prophetH51p2p2p3p2paustin galati/101:13
24mombasaH6(22)6p7p4p8pt turner/1encolure
32secret identityH4(22)1p3p3p3pbrayden gaerth/11 l
411glass offF62p5p4p8p7pms p edwards/1cte tete
57sanabeauF51p3pw pike/11/2 l
65bidayaF56p4p1p4pjade mc naught/11 l 1/2
76glacier missF5(22)7p9p6p0pjoseph azzopardi/13/4 l
812nippa whiskeyH70p9p5p7p6pkate witten/11 l 3/4
99hell raiderH63p8p3p6p2pandrew castle/1tete
1010keeper's dreamH63p0p8p(22)4pms s altieri/1tete
118finest clobberF54p6p(22)5p8pms l staples/11 l
123ouqburraH58p1p2p(22)3pp knuckey/1cte enc.

R7C4plathandicap 26802geraldton australie1600M13859nothing runs like a deere handicap (1600 metres)9 partantsdépart à 07:40
Non-partants : 8
19ihts closing innF42p6p3p1p3pzephen johnston-porter/101:40
24secret lairH52p6p4p8pp knuckey/1encolure
36mystic loveF77p0p7p2pt turner/1cte enc.
41desert petardH41p7p2p2p6pbrayden gaerth/1tete
55townsvilleH58p5p4p(22)1pms r forrest/11 l
63miss eugenF58p6p3p2pbrandon louis/1encolure
77time to thunderH76p0p(22)0p1pms k cross/14 l 1/2
82just jerryH71p0p(22)5p3pkate witten/11 l
8hell raiderH63p6p2p5p2pms l staples/1

R7C6plathandicap 28634geraldton australie1400M13859tabtouch same race multi handicap (1400 metres)12 partantsdépart à 08:55
Non-partants : 1
1secret deployH56p5p(22)0p9pbrayden gaerth/1
110traded crownH74p(22)9p0p9pkate witten/101:25
29hell raiderH65p2p(22)3p0pms l staples/11/2 l
36albertH56p5p2p(22)7pt turner/13/4 l
412not a wordH93p3p(22)3p4pc nicoll/11 l
58go go gracieF44p(22)1p8p7pms p edwards/1encolure
65peppi groveF68p1p(22)2p4pvictoria corver/11 l 3/4
711glass offF60p(22)5p8p8pms s altieri/1cte tete
84leroy the sepoyH5(22)9p7p8p1pms r forrest/11/2 l
92o'lara's princeH66p(22)0p2p6pjade mc naught/11 l 1/4
107can't stop nowH67p(22)7p(21)ms k cross/1tete
113scurgey boyH5(22)0p0p9p1pcassey martinan/114 l

R6C4plathandicap 31190geraldton australie1113M14810gwn handicap (1113 metres)11 partantsdépart à 07:53
Non-partants : 3
21oristanoH62p7p5p3p4pms r forrest/11/2 l
62world rulerH57p2p5p6p6pb rawiller/12 l 1/2
3send it sonH41p0p7pnon partant/1
14ask an angelF56p1p1p(21)0pvictoria corver/101:07
310hell raiderH50p4p9p8p6pms l staples/1encolure
46pop the moetH58p5p8p2p1pms p edwards/11 l 1/4
59primativeF44p7p4p1p9pp knuckey/1nez
77sly as a foxH65p4p5p0p0pbrayden gaerth/1cte tete
88she's artieF48p1p0p8pnatasha faithfull/13/4 l
911moments of magicF69p0p2p4p2pcassey martinan/16 l 1/2
105berry berry goodH31p6p4p5p6pms s altieri/13/4 l

R7C5plathandicap 32240geraldton australie1100M14810corolla hybrid cross handicap (1100 metres)11 partantsdépart à 07:20
15dream to meF49p2p1pt turner/101:06
26charcoal chaosF43p1p2p6p6ptaj dyson/12 l
32mystery manH55p2p6p(21)0pcassey martinan/1encolure
49primativeF47p4p1p9p6pluke campbell/11 l 1/2
57glass offF58p8p7p2p5pp knuckey/1cte enc.
61albertH41p(21)8p9p6pms l staples/11/2 l
74anyoldtimeF40p0p1p2p4pnatasha faithfull/11 l 1/2
83pop the moetH55p8p2p1p3pms p edwards/11 l 3/4
911rebel tailF58p0p0p1pms k yuill/1nez
1010hell raiderH54p9p8p6p0pc nicoll/14 l
118mini coatF50p7p1p4p9pms s altieri/19 l

R7C9plathandicap 46227pinjarra australie1000M15492state wide turf services handicap (1000 metres)13 partantsdépart à 09:05
Non-partants : 9 - 10 - 11
13imprudentH83p2p4p(21)2pkeshaw dhurun/100:57
26bayzelF51p6p(21)3p5pb parnham/11/2 l
34butterfly houseF40p2p(21)2p1ps o donnell/13/4 l
47micheladaF45p(21)5p7p8pp carbery/1tete
51my mateH5(21)1plucy warwick/11 l 3/4
612demitoF55p1p(21)5p9pandrew castle/11/4 l
75somethingreadyF58p(21)8p2p2pp harvey/13 l 1/2
92the invisible manH55p(21)6p1p2pb rawiller/11 l 3/4
108hell raiderH56p4p3p(21)0pj whiting/11 l 1/4
9saasmitF47p7p(21)4p3pholly watson/1
10queenshipF5(21)7p5p3p5pc johnston porter/1
11blazing passionF59p(21)7p2p6pc staples/1
813vicinityF57p8p3p(21)8pvictoria corver/11 l 3/4

R7C7plathandicap 49781pinjarra australie1200M15492alcoa - the element of possibility handicap (1200 metres)12 partantsdépart à 08:25
12ambergate roseF52p3p2p4p3pt turner/101:11
25bourbon beauH42p6p8p6p5pb kennedy/11/4 l
34my hidden journeyH54p2p9p5p5plucy warwick/12 l 1/2
411eye of the dayF58p2p3p3p4pc johnston-porter/11/2 l
51hell raiderH48p7p9p1p5pj whiting/11/4 l
610spirit of prophecyF54p2p4p6p7pvictoria corver/13/4 l
73mascheranoH76p(19)1p2p3pholly watson/11/2 l
88music machineH50p4p1p7p7pms l staples/13/4 l
99redmillH67p7p5p8p3pb banovic-edwards/1encolure
1012iconic skillH50p9p4p4p3pp carbery/11/2 l
117palaverH52p0p4p9p5pjoseph azzopardi/12 l
126snow princessF58p1p2p1p1pc nicoll/12 l 1/2

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